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Data driven discipleship

The Spirit leads us, but access to reliable data helps every leader to make decisions that matter.

Consult with us today to see how we can provide improved intelligence for your outreach and engagement.


Alumni and church member data is...

  • Outdated
  • Incomplete
  • Disorganized
  • Inconsistent
Couple of cardbord characters with smiley faces - isolated over a white background
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Reliable people data enables...

  • Updated member & alumni profiles
  • Personalized outreach
  • Greater engagement
  • Impactful donor relations
  • Informed 1x1 Mentor Matching

discipleIQ data enrichment makes your engagement smarter 

Need more detail on data enrichment? Check out our article on the topic.

discipleIQ Data Includes (as available) ...


  • Gender
  • Home Address
    (Current & Past)
  • Work Address
    (Current & Past)
  • Age
  • Language(s)
  • Ethnicity

  • Company Type & Size
  • Industry
  • Years of Experience
  • Job Level
  • Job Title
  • Inferred Salary

  • Schools
  • Degrees
  • Majors
  • Credentials
  • Organizations

  • Personality
  • Hobbies
  • Interests

Personalized profiles for your members, staff, and alumni are just a step away.


Consult with us to explore the possibilities today!